Monday, February 04, 2008

Don't forget to vote

Our second poll will be concluding tomorrow and I want to know what the typical Stock Geometry reader thinks right now. It certainly feels like a cross roads for the US economy, the markets and politics to me but I've been wrong before. I would really like to encourage every reader vote, regardless of how frequently you participate or how certain you might be. There were almost 1000 unique visitors here in the past month but only 15 votes so far. You have until 5 am EST Tuesday night to get your vote in, what say you!?

In the last poll we did here you called the top on a 5 year run in stocks and so far that looks like a pretty incredible call. Making new highs or making new lows will involve a big move from here and the outcome could validate or negate the last prediction (end to the bull market).

On another note, if you live in a super Tuesday state like me (IL), tomorrow is your day to vote in the primaries. If you are undecided I urge you to give some thought to Dr. Ron Paul, he has my vote.

Also check out Tim Knight's new video, I'm jealous of his positions.


Anonymous said...

Don't visit every day so I missed the poll.

pythagoruz said...

No worries, I prob could have left it up longer. Care to share what you would have voted?