Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Modern Art

I got this image from the BBC via reddit, the caption read "Chinese artist Chen Wenling critiques the global financial crisis in What You See Might Not Be Real, on display at a Beijing gallery. The bull is said to represent Wall Street, while the man pinned to the wall represents jailed financier Bernard Madoff."


irshLace said...

This is a really cool piece of art! I don't think I would have had that interpretation, though, when seeing it (that it's Bernie Madoff). I think this representation of him is kind of funny: http://northoftheriver.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/bernie_madoff_newyork1.jpg

pythagoruz said...

Haha, yeah nice one. He really was a supervillain, like Lex Luther or something.

In this piece, I like how the bull is all muscular and shiny, kicking some ass, but ultimately its powered by a fart. Kind of like this rally, its all air, and it smells bad.