This one goes out to Google for providing this blogspot free of charge. Make what you want of the chart below, but to me this looks like a low risk place to short GOOG for at least $100. One would expect serious resistance at $600 based on the stock geometry so thats a good area for a stop.

Hey Pyth, the Goog short looks interesting in deed. As a matter of fact, I think several Q's stocks, including the QQQQ's as well as IWM could be due for a short term (relatively speaking)drop/correction.
But then again, I've been inside all day (75F & sunny today) with a 102+ fever, strangled throat, and dead tired, so my reasoning could be slightly suspect. Always happens on a weekend, when you can't get to a doctor!!!!
great blog. Would you like to create a reciprocal link to my blog?
let me know.
Hey Sandyk, I'm glad you like the blog. Right now we only put up links to sites that the authors read regularly but I will check out your blog. If I find my self reading it often I will be sure to add the link. Of course we'd love to have our link at your site but we'll only put your up here if we use it. Thanks!
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