Monday, March 16, 2009

The tidal wave of stock offerings has begun... *updated*

Wynn Resorts announces stock offering

Alcoa (AA) Cuts Dividend By 14c To 3c, Offering $1.1 Billion of Stock

Northeast Utilities launched 15.5M stock offering

Palm boosts stock offering, nets $83.9 million

Simon Property prices 15M share offering at a 8.4% discount

If cash strapped companies continue to go to the market for financing in the wake of economic hardship then stocks could have a very tough time in the years ahead. When companies turn to the stock market as their financier of last resort, an overhead supply of shares is realized by investors. Stock offerings from growing companies that are trying to expand is one thing (Palm might fall into this category), offerings to make up for lost profits is something else all together (Alcoa). That something else is not bullish. I'll be keeping my eyes on the lookout for additional offerings by seemingly sound and stable companies.

Google: "stock offering"

Hat tip to betweenthebars.


vincent raimonda said...

Add one of my favorite 2009 shorts SPG to the list. This is going to happen with all the reits.

pythagoruz said...
